
After all the training you go through as funeral professionals, it can still be difficult to find the right words of solace to offer families who are navigating grief. May these poems serve as inspiration for new ways to support your families, as well as a soothing salve for grieving hearts.

23rd PSALM

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall notwant. He maketh me to lie down ingreen pastures; He leadeth me besidestill waters. He restoreth my soul; Heleadeth me in the paths of righteousnessfor His name's sake; Yea, though I walkthrough the valley of the shadow ofdeath, I will fear no evil; for Thou artwith me; Thy rod and Thy staff theycomfort me; Thou preparest a tablebefore me in the presence of mineenemies; Though anointest my head withoil, my cup runneth over. Surelygoodness and mercy shall follow me allthe days of my life, and I will dwell inthe house of the Lord, forever.


God needed an angel in heavento stand at the Savior's feet;his choice must be the raresta lily pure and sweet.He gazed upon the mighty throngthen stopped and picked the best,our child was his chosen onewith Jesus he's now at rest.


I said a prayer for you todayand know God must have heard.I felt the answer in my heart,although he spoke no word.I didn't ask for wealth or fameI knew you wouldn't mind.I asked him to send treasuresof a far more lasting kind!I asked that he'd be near youat the start of each new day.To grant you health and blessingsand friends to share your way.I asked for happiness for youin all things great and small.But it was his loving careI prayed the most of all.


The wise may bring their learning,The rich may bring their wealth,And some may bring their greatness,And some bring strength and health:We too will bring our treasuresTo offer to the King:We have no wealth of learning,So, what shall we children bring?We'll bring Him hearts that love Him;We'll bring Him thankful praise,And young souls meekly strivingTo be with Him for all days:And these shall be the treasuresWe offer to the King,For these are gifts that evenThe smallest of us can bring.


Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide;When other helpers' fail, and comforts flee,Help of the helpless, oh abide with me.Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day;Earth's joys dim, its glories pass away;Change and decay in all around I see;O though who changest not, abide with me.I fear not for with thee at hand to bless;Ills have no weight, no tears, no bitterness;Where is death's sting? where, grave, thy victory?I will triumph still, if Thou abide in me.Hold then Thy cross before my closing eyes;Shine through the gloom, and point meto the skies;Heaven's morning breaks, and earth'svain shadows flee;In life, in death, O Lord, abide in me -Henry Francis Lyte


I'd like the memory of meto be a happy oneI'd like to leave an after glowof smiles when life is doneI'd like to leave an echo whisperingsoftly down the waysOf happy times and laughing timesand bright and sunny daysI'd like the tears of those who grieve,to dry before the sunOf happy memories that I leave,When life is done.


Amazing grace how sweet the sound,That saved a wretch like me!I once was lost but now am found,Was blind but now I see.‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,and grace my fears relieved,How precious did that grace appearthe hour I first believed!The Lord has promised good to me,His word my hope secures;He will my shield and portion be as longas life endures.Through many dangers, toils and snares,I have already come, ‘tis grace thatbrought me save thus far, and grace willlead me home.When we've been there ten thousandyears, bright shining as the sun, we'veno less days to sing God's praise thanWhen we'd first begun.


O beautiful for spacious skies,For amber waves of grain,For purple mountain majestiesAbove the fruited plain!America! America!God shed His grace on thee,And crown they good with brotherhoodFrom sea to shining sea!ANGLER'S PRAYERGod grant that I may live to fish,until my dying day,And when it comes to my last cast,I then most humbly pray,When in the Lord's safe landing net,I'm peacefully asleep,That in his mercy I be judged,As big enough to keep.


Dios te salve Maria.Llena eres de graciaEl Señor es contigobendita eres entre todaslas mujeresbandito es el fruto de tuvientre Jesus.Santa Maria Madre de diosruega por nosotros los pecadoresahora y en la hora denuestro muerte.Amen.


Do not look forward in fear to thechanges in life; rather look to them withfull hope that as they arise. God, whosevery own you are, will lead you safelythrough all things; and when you cannotstand it, God will carry you in his arms.Do not fear what may happen tomorrow,the same everlasting Father who caresfor you today will take care of you thenand everyday. He will either shield youfrom suffering, or will give youunfailing strength to bear it. Be at peaceand put aside all anxious thoughtsand imaginations.St. Francis DeSales


We sat beside your bedside,our hearts were crushed and sore,we did our best to the end,‘til we could do no more.In tears we watched you sinkingwe watched you fade away,and though our hearts were breaking,we knew you could not stay.You left some aching hearts,that loved you most sincere;we never shall and never will everforget you, father dear.


We sat beside your bedside,Our hearts were crusted and sore,We did our best to the end,‘Til we could do no more.In tears we watched you sinkingWe watched you fade away,And though our hearts were breaking,We knew you could not stay.You left some aching hearts,That loved you most sincere;We never shall and never will everForget you, father dear.


God hath not promisedskies always blue,flower-strewn pathways.All our lives through,God hath not promisedsun without rain,joy without sorrow,peace without pain.But God hath promisedstrength for the day,rest for the labor,light for the way,grace for the trials,help from above,unfailing sympathyundying love . . .


The butterfly emergesfrom its silken shell-Reborn, it arises,no longer bound to earth.Free at last, the butterfly glidesto heights unknown before.So do our loved ones finda beautiful releaseas, earthbound no morethey leave our sight and joyfully riseto a garden of matchless beauty,a place of light and peace.-Evelyn Phillips


With the saints of the righteous madeperfect, give rest to the soul of thyservant, O Savior; and preserve it in thatlife of blessedness which is with thee, Othou who lovest mankind. In the placeof thy rest, O Lord, where all theysaints repose, give rest also to the soulof thy servant for thou only lovestmankind. Glory to the Father, and to theson, and to the Holy Spirit; Thou art ourGod, who descended into Hell, andloosened the bonds of those who werethere. Thyself give rest also to the soulof thy servant now and ever unto agesof ages. Amen.


I thank youfor the love that each has shown,but now it's time I travel on alone.So grieve a while for meif grieve you must,then let your grief be comforted by trust.It's only a while that we must part,so bless the memories within your heart.I won't be far away; I'll be quite near.Just call me softly and I will hear.Franklin Lee Stevenson


Sunset and evening star,and one clear call for me!And may there be no moaningon the bar,when I put out to sea.But such a tide as moving seems asleep,too full for sound and foam.When that which drew from out theboundless deep, turns again home.Twilight and evening bell,and after that the dark!And may there be no sadness offarewell, when I embark.For though from out our borneof time and placethe flood may bear me far.I hope to see my pilot face to facewhen I have crossed the bar.Alfred Tennyson


To every thing there is a season,and a time to every purposeunder heaven;A time to be born, and a time to doe;a time to plant,and a time to pluck upthat which is planted;A time to kill and a time to heal;a time to break down,and a time to build up.A time to weep,and a time to laugh, a time to mournand a time to dance.A time to cast away stones,and a time to gather stones together;a time to embrace,and a time to refrain from embracing.A time to get, and a time to lose;a time to keep, and a time to cast away.A time to rend, and a time to sew;a time to keep silence and a time to speak.A time to love, and a time to hate;a time of war and a time of peace.

families after duty ends. Amen.


A light is from our household gone,a voice we loved is stilled,a place is vacant in our home,which never can be filled.God gave us a beautiful father,a father who never grew old,you were always therewith a helping hand,help us now to accept His plan.We miss you now, our hearts are sore,as time goes by, we miss you more.Your loving smile, your gentle face,no one can take our “Father's Place.”May the choirs of the angels receiveyou and may you have restand peace everlasting.Amen.


When I am called to duty, God,whenever flames may rage;give me strength to save some life,whatever be its age.Help me embrace a little child beforeit is too late,or save an older person from thehorror of that fate.Enable me to be alertand hear the weakest shout,and quickly and efficiently to putthe fire out,I want to fill my calling,and to give the best in me,to guard my every neighbor andprotect his property.And if, according to my fate,I am to lose my life,please bless with your protecting handmy family and friends.


Love is patient, love is kind.It does not envy, and it does not boast.Love is not proud, love is not rude.Love is not self-seeking,love is not easily angered,and love keeps not record of wrongs.Love does not delight in evil,but rejoices with the truth.Love always protects,always trusts, always hopes,always perseveres.And now these three remain,faith, hope and love.But the greatest of these isLove . . .


One night I had a dream. I was walkingalong the beach with the Lord, andacross the skies flashed scenes of mylife. In each scene I noticed two sets offootprints in the sand. One was mine,and the one was the Lord's.When the last scene of my lifeappeared before me, I looked back at thefootprints in the sand, and to mysurprise, I noticed that many times alongthe path of my life there was only oneset of footprints. And I noticed that itwas at the lowest and saddest times inmy life.I asked the Lord about it. “Lord, yousaid that once I decided to follow you,you would walk with me all the way.But I noticed that during the mosttroublesome times in my life there isonly one set of footprints. I don'tunderstand why you left my side when Ineeded you most.”The Lord replied, “My precious child,I love you and would never leave you.During your times of trial and suffering,where you see only one set of footprints,I was carrying you.”


God sees when thefootsteps all falter,When the pathwayhas grown too steep.The he touches theweary eyelidsAnd giveshis dear ones sleep.


God made us a family.We need one another.We love one another.We work together.We play together.We worship together.Together we use God's word.Together we grow in Christ.Together we love all people.Together we serve God.Together we hope for Heaven.These are our hopes and ideals.Help us attain the, O God,through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Forever-fragrant gardenWith beauty all aroundBlossoms of the rarest kindCan easily be foundNo winter's chill now comes to meNo need to be disheartenedI'll rest here now, forevermoreIn God's eternal garden.


God saw he was getting tiredand a cure was not to be,so he put his arms around himand whispered “come with me.”With tearful eyes we watchedhim suffer and saw him fade awayalthough we loved him dearly,we could not make him stay.A golden heart stopped beatinghard working hands to rest.We love you,you were the very best


God hath not promisedSkies always blue.Flower-strewn pathwaysAll our lives through;God hath not promisedSun without rainJoy without sorrow,Peace without pain.


God looked around his gardenAnd found an empty place.He then looked down upon the earth,And saw your tired face.He put his arms around youAnd lifted you to rest.God's garden must be beautifulHe always takes the best.He saw the road was getting rough,And the hills were hard to climb,So he closed your weary eyelids,And whispered “Peace be Thine.”It broke our hearts to lose youBut you didn't go alone,For part of us went with youThe day God called you home.


God saw you were getting tiredand a cure was not to be,so He put his arms around you,and whispered, “Come to me.”With tearful eyes we watched you,and saw you pass away.Although we loved you dearly,we could not make you stay.A golden heart stopped beating,hard working hands at rest,God broke our hearts to prove to usHe only takes The best.


God the creator and redeemer of all thefaithful, grant unto the soul of (name)thy servant departed, the remission ofall sins; that by pious supplications, shemay obtain that pardon which she has always desired.Grant this, O God, who liveth andreigneth for ever and ever,Amen.Sweet heart of Marybe (his/her) salvation.Our Father, - - Hail Mary, - -


God gives grace for each trial,and courage for each sorrow,and faith to face in confidencea blessed, bright tomorrow.


Wieczny odpoczynek racz mud ac,O Panie,a swiatlosc wiekuista niechaj jej swiecina wieki wiekow, Niech odpoczywaw pokoju wiecznym.Amen.


Hail Mary, full of grace,The Lord is with thee;Blessed art thou among women,and blessed is the fruitof thy womb, Jesus.Holy Mary, Mother of God,pray for us sinners,now and at the hourof our death. Amen.


When in sorrowRead John 14When men fail youRead Psalm 27When you have sinnedRead Psalm 51When you worryRead Matthew 6:19-34When you are in dangerRead Psalm 91If you have the bluesRead Psalm 34When God seems far awayRead Psalm 139If you are discouragedRead Isaiah 40If you are lonely or fearfulRead Psalm 23If you feel down and outRead Romans 8:39When you want courage foryour taskRead Joshua 1When the world seemsbigger than GodRead Psalm 90When you want rest and peaceRead Matthew 11:25-30When leaving home forlabor or travelRead Psalms 121: 107:23-31If you get bitter or criticalRead 1 Corinthians 13If thinking of investmentsand returnsRead Mark 10:17-31For a great invitation-A great opportunityRead Isaiah 55


Do not stand at my grave and weep,I am not there, I do not sleepI am in a thousand winds that blow,I am the softly falling snow.I am the gentle showers of rain,I am the fields of ripening grain,I am in the morning hush,I am in the graceful rushOf birds in circling flight.I am the star shine of the night.I am in the flowers that bloom,I am in a quiet room,I am the birds that sing,I am in the each lovely thing.Do not stand at my grave and cry,I am not there. I did not die.May Frye


Don't grieve for me now, I'm free.I'm following the path God laid forme. I took his hand when I heardhim call. I turned my back and left it all.I could not stay another day to laugh, to love, to workor play. Tasksleft undone must stay that way. I found that peace atclose of day. Ifmy parting has left a void then fill itwith remembered joy. A friendshipshared, a laugh, a kiss, ah yes, thesethings I too will miss. Be notburdened with times of sorrow, I wishyou the sunshine of tomorrow. Mylife's been full, I've savored muchgood friends, good times, a lovedone's touch. Perhaps my timeseemed all too brief, don't lengthen itnow with undone grief. Lift up yourhearts and share with me, for Godwanted me now. He set me free.


Incline thine ear, O Lord,unto our prayers,wherein we humbly praythee to show they mercyupon the soul of thy servant,whom thou hastcommanded to pass out of this worldthat thou wouldst place himin the region of peace and light,and bid him be a partakerwith thy saints throughChrist our Lord.Amen


Do not stand at my grave and weep;I am not there. I do not sleep.I am a thousand wins that blow,I am the diamond glint on snow.I am the sunlight on ripened grain,I am the gentle autumn rain.When you wake in morning hush,I am the swift uplifting rushof quiet birds in circling flight,I am the soft starlight at night.Do not stand at my grave and cry,I am not there. I did not die.

ISAIAH 41:10,13

Fear not, for I am with you;be not dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you,yes, I will help you,I will uphold you with myrighteous right hand.For I, the Lord your God, will holdyour right hand,Saying to you,“Fear not, I will help you.”


It's difficult when someoneWho is loved cannot be there,But memories that are made and sharedWill keep a loved one near.And God, with loving wisdom,Will be there to guide us through;He'll help us meet tomorrowAnd He'll give us strength anew.

JOHN 11:25,26

Jesus said,“I am the resurrectionand the life;he who believes in me,though he die,yet shall he live,and whoever lives andbelieves in meshall never die.”

JOHN 14:1-3

Let not your heart be troubled:ye believe in God,believe also in me.In my Father's houseare many mansions:if it were not so,I would have told you.I go to prepare a place for you.And if I go and preparea place for you,I will come again,and receive you unto myself;that where I am,there ye may be also.


Leaf after leaf drops off,flower after flower,some in the chill,some in the warmer hour.Alive they flourish,and alive they fall,and the earth who nourished themreceives them all.Should we, her wiser sons,be less contentto sink into her lapwhen life is spent?Walter Savage Landor


Life is but a stopping place,a pause in what's to be,a resting place along the roadto sweet eternity.We all have different journeys,Different paths along the way,We all were meant to learn some things,but never meant to stay . . .Our destination is a placefar greater than we know.For some, the journey's slow.And when the journey finally ends,we'll claim a great reward,and find everlasting peace,together with the Lord.


There is never life without sadness,there is never a heart free from pain;if one seeks in this world for true solace,he seeks it forever in vain.So when to your heart comes the sorrowof losing some dear one you've knowntis the touch of God's sickle at harvestsince he reaps in the fields he has sown.


When God calls little childrento dwell with Him above,We mortals sometime questionthe wisdom of His love.For no heartache compareswith the death of one small childWho does so muchto make our worldseem wonderful and mild.Perhaps God tires of callingthe aged to His fold,So He picks a rosebudbefore it can grow old.God knows how muchwe need them,and so He takes but a few,To make the land of heavenmore beautiful to view.Believing this is difficultstill somehow we must tryThe saddest word mankind knowswill always be “Goodbye.”So when a little child departs,we who are left behind,Must realize God loves children,Angels are hard to find.LITTLE ROSEI would rather have a little rosefrom the garden of a friend,than have the choicest flowerswhen my stay on earth shall end.I would rather have the kindest wordsand a smile that I can see,than flattery when my heart is stilland this life ceased to be.I would rather have a loving smilefrom the friends I know are true,than tears shed around my casketwhen the world I bid adieu.


Love is patientlove is kind;love is not jealous,it does not put on airs,it is not snobbish.Love is never rude.It is not self seeking,it is not prone to anger;neither does it brood over injuries.Love does not rejoice in what is wrongbut rejoices with the truth.There is no limit to love's forbearance,it's trust, it's hope, it's power to endure.Love never fails.


Love is patient,love is kind.It does not envy,it does not boast,it is not proud.It is not rude,it is not self-seeking,it is not easily angered,it keeps no record of wrongs.Love does not delight in evilbut rejoices with the truth.It always protects,always trusts,always hopes,always perseveres.


There's magic in a Mother's touchand sunshine in her smile.There's love in everything she doesto make our loves worthwhile.We can find both hope and couragejust by looking in her eyes.Her laughter is a source of joy,her words are warm and wise.There is a kindness and compassionto be found in her embrace,and we see the light of heavenshining from a Mother's face.There's magic in a Mothers touchand sunshine in her smile.There's love in everything she doesto make our loves worthwhile.We can find both hope and couragejust by looking in her eyes.Her laughter is a source of joy,her words are warm and wise.There is a kindness and compassionto be found in her embrace,and we see the light of heavenshining from a Mother's face.

MATTHEW 11:28-30

Jesus said,“Come unto me, all ye that laborand are heavy laden,and I will give you rest.Take up my yoke upon you, and learnof me, for I am meek and lowly in heart;and you will find rest unto your souls.For my yoke is easy,and my burden is light.”


Remember . . .O most gracious Virgin Marythat never was it knownthat anyone who fled tothy protections, implored thy helpand sought thy intercessionwas left unaided.Inspired with this confidence,I fly unto thee,O Virgin of virgins.My Mother! To thee I come;before thee I stand, sinful andsorrowful. Oh Mother of the word;incarnate despise not my petitions,but, in thy mercy, hearand answer me. Amen.


When I come to the end of the roadand the sun has set for me,I want no rites in a gloom-filled room.Why cry for a soul set free?Miss me a little, but not too long,and not with your head bowed low.Remember the love that we once shared,I'd like to leave an echo whisperingMiss me but let me go.For this is a journey we all must take,and each must go alone.It's all part of the Master plan,A step on the road to home.When you are lonely and sick of heart,Go to the friends we knowAnd bury your sorrows in doing good deeds.Miss me, but let me go.


Nobody does, and Mother least of all.Her loving guise, the sound of herfootfall, brighten the dark hall.Some feature of her face repeats inevery year. Her voice, her gentlegrace, in some dear child appear,her vision stills our fear.She cannotpass while our remembering crownsthe green grass with happy flowersof spring. Recalling everything;her kindness most of all, that passednobody by. Whatever may befall,whatever changing sky, Motherwill not die.Anne Campbell


Dear Mother, I'm gratefulfor your tender cares,the worries and heartachesand your constant prayers.May Mary, God's Motherspread her mantle blue,enfold you foreverwith her son there, too.Each day while I'm thinkingheaven is eminent for you,my heart keeps on singing,Mother, Mother, I love you.



Almighty God,Divine healer of all, grant me,your handmaiden, strengthand courage in my calling.Give to my heart compassionand understanding.Give to my hands skilland tenderness. Give to my mind knowledgeand wisdom.Especially, dear Lord,help me always to remember the true purpose of myvocation,that of selfless service and dedicationto the weak and disbarringin body and spirit.


O gentlest heart of Jesus, ever present inthe Blessed Sacrament, ever consumedwith burning love for the poor captivesouls in Purgatory, have mercy on theSoul of Thy departed servant. Be notsevere in Thy judgment but let somedrops of Thy precious blood fall uponthe devouring flames, and do Thou Omerciful Savior send Thy angels toconduct Thy departed servant to a placeof refreshment, light, and peace. Amen.May the souls of all the faithfuldeparted, through the mercy of God, restin peace. Amen.


O happy soul,be thankful now and rest!Heaven is a goodly land;and God is love; and those heloves are blest;now thou dost understandthe least thou hast isbetter than the bestthat thou didst hope for;new upon thine eyes.The new life opens fair;before thy feet theblessed journey liesthrough homelandseverywhere;and heaven to theeis all a sweet surprise.O happy soul,be thankful now and rest!


Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos,sanctificado sea tu nombre.Venga tu reino. Sea hecha tu voluntad,como en el cielo, así también enla tierra.Danos hoy nuestro pan cotidiano.Y perdónanos nuestras deudas, comotambién nosotros perdonamos ánuestros deudores.Y no nos metas en tentación, maslíbranos del mal:Porque tuyo es el reino, y el poder, y lagloria, por todos los siglos.Amén.


O Mother of God; Mary Immaculate, wededicate and consecrate ourselves to youunder the title of Our Lady of theMiraculous Medal. May this medal befor each of us a sure sign of youraffection for us and a constant reminderof our duties toward you.Even whilewearing it, may we be blessed by yourloving protection and preserved in thegrace of your son, O most powerfulvirgin, Mother of our Savior keep usclose to you every moment of our lives.Obtain for us, your children, the grace ofa happy death; so that in union with you,we may enjoy the bliss of heavenforever, Amen



O Mother of perpetual help, grant that Imay ever invoke your most powerfulname, which is the safeguard of theloving and the salvation of the dying.O Purest Mary! O Sweetest Mary!Let your name henceforth be ere on mylips. Delay not, O blessed lady! Tohelp me when ever I call on you, for inall my temptations, in all my needs, Ishall never cease to call on you. Everrepeating your sacred name, Mary!Mary! O what consolation, whatsweetness, what confidence, whatemotion fills my soul when I utter yoursacred name or even only think of you.But I will not be content with merelyuttering ;your name, let my love for youprompt me ever to hail you,Mother of Perpetual Help.


The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,His comforting hand reduces fear to naught;He makes me walk through streets of crime,But He gives me courageand peace of mind.He leads me by still waters in the path I trod,And he says in Romans I'm a“minister of God,”He leads me in righteousnessas He restores my soul,For His name's sake He keeps me whole.When I walk through death's valley,right up to the door,I will fear no evil, for He comforts me more;For Thou art with me every step of the way,As thy rod and thy staff protect me each day.He prepares a table, especially for me,As I work daily among life's enemies;He gives me authority to uphold the law,And He anoints my positionin the midst of it all.Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me,Each day of my life through eternity;As I long to hear Him say, “Well done….,”When I lay down my life,my badge and my gun.


O almighty God whose great power andeternal wisdom embrace the universe,watch over all Law EnforcementOfficers. Protect them from harm in theperformance of their duty to stop crime,robberies, riots and violence. We prayto help them keep our streets and homessafe day and night. We recommendthem to your care because their duty isdangerous. Grant them your unendingstrength and courage in their dailyassignments. Dear God protect thesebrave officers, grant them your almightyprotection, unite them safely with their



Oh, my Lord and Savior, supportme in that hour in the strong armsof thy sacraments, and by thefresh fragrance of thy consolations.Let the absolving words besaid over me, and the holy oils signand seal me, and thy own body bemy food, and thy blood my sprinkling;and let my sweet mother, Marybreathe on me and my angelwhisper peace to me and my glorioussaints smile upon me; that in themall, and through them all, I mayreceive the gift of perseverance, and die,as I desire to live, in thy faith,in thy church, in thy service andin thy love. AmenPeace of God be with you.


Senor, haced de mi un instrumentode vuestra paz.Que alli donde haya odio,ponga yo amor;que alli donde haya ofensa,ponga yo perdon;que alli donde haya Discordia,ponga yo armonia;que alli donde haya error;ponga yo verdad;que alli donde haya duda,ponga yo la fe;que alli donde haya desesperacion,ponga yo esperanza;que alli donde haya tinieblas,ponga yo la luz;que alli donde haya tristeza,ponga yo alegria.Oh Divino Maestro,que no me emperie tanto en ser consolado,como en consolar; en ser comprendidocomo en comprender; en ser amado,como en amar;pues dando es como se recibe,perdonando se es perdonado y muriendose resucita a la vida eternal.


Lord, make me an instrumentof your peace.Where there is hatred,let me sow love;where there is injury pardon;where there is doubt, faith;where there is despair, hope;where there is darkness, light;where there is sadness, joy.Grant that I may not so much seekto be consoled as to console;to be understood as to understand;to be loved as to love.For it is in giving that we receive;it is in pardoning that we are pardonedand it is in dyingthat we are born to eternal life.


One gift, above all others,God gives to us to treasure.One that knows no time, no placeand one gold cannot measure.The precious, poignant tender giftof memory, that will keepour dear ones ever in our hearts,although God gives them sleep.It brings back long rememberedthings; a song, a word, a smile.And our world's a better placebecause . . .we had them for a while!Jessie H. Fairweather

PSALM 107:29-30

He stilled the storm to a whisper;the waves of the sea were hushed.They were glad when it grew calm,and he guided them to their haven of rest


I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills,from whence cometh my help.My help cometh from the Lord,which made heaven and earth.He will not suffer thy foot to be moved;he that keepeth thee will not slumber.Behold, he that keepeth Israelshall neither slumber nor sleep.The Lord is thy keeper,the Lord is thy shad upon thy right hand.The sun shall not smite thee by day,nor the moon by night.The Lord shall preserve thee fromall evil; he shall preserve thy soul.The Lord shall preserve thygoing out and thy coming in fromthis time forth, and even for evermore.


In everybody's gardenA little rain must fallOr life's sweetest fairest flowers,Wouldn't grow and bloom at all.And though the clouds hang heavySo heavy. Oh! My friend,I'm sure that God whosends the showerWill send the rainbow's end


Most merciful Father, we commend ourdeparted into your hands. We are filledwith the sure hope that our departed willrise again on the last day with all whohave died in Christ. We thank you for all the goodthings you have given during our departed's earthlylife. O Father, in your great mercy,accept our prayer that theGates of Paradise may be opened foryour servant. In our turn, may we toobe comforted by the word of faithuntil we greet Christ in glory and areunited with You and our departed. Through Christour Lord, Amen.


may he lead thee into paradise.May the martyrs receive theeat thy coming and take thee tothe holy city.May the choirs of angelsreceive thee and mayest thouhave rest everlasting.Amen.


With the saints give rest,O Christ,to the soul of thy servant(name),where there is neither sickness,nor sorrow, nor sighingbut life everlasting . . .Wither, also, all we mortalswend our way,making of our funeral dirgethe song:Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.Eternal Memory!


Oh Piadoso Corazon e Jesus, siemprepresente en el Sagrado Sacramento,siempre illeno de amor ardiente hacia laspobres almas cautivas en el Purgatorio,ten piedad del alma de tu siervo, que hafallecido. No seas muy severo aljuzgarle, mas deja que algunas gotas detu Preciosa Sangre caigan sobre lasllamas devoradoras y envia tus Angeles,Oh Salvador Misericordioso, para que loconduzcan a un lugar de descanso y pazeternal. Amén.Bienaventurados los que sufren porqueellos serán consoladors.San Mateo 5:4


I am home in Heaven, dear ones;Oh, so happy and so bright!There is perfect joy and beautyIn this everlasting light.All the pain and grief is over,Every restless tossing passed;I am now at peace forever,Safely home in Heaven at last.Did you wonder why I so calmlyTrod the valley of the shade?Oh! But Jesus' love illuminedEvery dark and fearful glade.And He came Himself to meet meIn that way so hard to tread;And with Jesus' arm to lean on,Could I have one doubt or dread?Then you must not grieve so sorely,For I love you dearly still;Try to look beyond earth's shadows,Pray to trust our Father's will.There is work still waiting for you,So you must not idly stand;Do it now, while life remaineth-You shall rest in Jesus' land.When that work is all completed,He will gently call you Home;Oh, the rapture of that meeting,Oh, the joy to see you come!


En Memoria DeJehová es mi pastor; nada me faltará. Enlugares de delicados pastos me haráacer: Junto á agues de reposo mepastoreará. Confortará mi alma;Guiárame por sendas de justicia poramor de su nombre. Aunque ande envalle de sombra de muerte, No temerémal alguno; porque tú estarás conmigo:Tu vara y tu cayado me infundiránaliento. Aderezarás mesa delante de míen presencia de mis angustiadores:Ungiste me cabeza con aceite; mi copaestá rebosando. Ciertamente el bien y lamisericordia me seguirán todos los diasde mi vida: Y en la casa de Jehovámoraré por largos días


God grant me the serenityto accept the thingsI cannot change . . .Courage to change thethings I can and wisdomto know the difference.


The Sheaf of Wheat is a symbol of theChristian faith. The seeds of faith aresown in the human personality and growinto the mature faith of the Christianman or woman. The sown seed mustlose its life in order that it may developand grow and multiply. So, symbolically,a sheaf of wheat is used byChristians to mark the passing of afellow Christian. We believe death isnot the end but the beginning of lifeeternal. The mature grain in this sheaf isthe direct symbol of the Resurrection - -the life beyond the grave, the fulfillmentof the promises of Jesus Christ.


Oh holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints,your love for God and charity for Hiscreatures, made you worthy, when onearth, to possess miraculous powers.Miracles waited on your word, whichyou were ever ready to speak for those introuble or anxiety. Oh gentle and lovingSt. Anthony, whose heart was ever fullof human sympathy, whisper my petitioninto the ears of sweet infant Jesus, wholoved to be folded in your arms; and thegratitude of my heart will ever be yours.


Watch Thou, dear Lord,with those who wake,or watch, or weep tonightand give Your angels chargeover those who sleep.Tend your sick ones,O Lord Christ,rest Your weary ones,pity Your dying ones,pity Your afflicted ones,and all for Your love's sake!


Oh St. Joseph, whose protection is sogreat, so strong, so prompt before thethrone of God, I place in you all myinterest and desires. Oh, St. Joseph doassist me by your powerful intercession,and obtain for me from your divinefoster-son all spiritual blessings, throughJesus Christ, our Lord; so that, havingengaged here below your heavenlypower, I may offer my thanksgiving andhomage to the most loving of Fathers.Oh, St. Joseph, I never wearycontemplating you, and Jesus asleep inyour arms. I dare not approach while Hereposes near your heart. Press Him inmy name and kiss His fine head for meand ask Him to return the kiss when Idraw my dying breath. St. Joseph,patron of departing souls, pray for us.Amen


O glorious apostle, St. Jude Thaddeustrue relative of Jesus and Mary,I salute you through themost sacred Heart of Jesus.Through this Heart I praiseand thank God for all the graceshe has bestowed upon you.Humbly prostrate before you,I implore you through this heartto look down upon me with compassion.Oh despise not my poor prayer,let not my trust be confounded.To you God has granted theprivilege of aiding mankindin the most desperate cases.Oh, come to my aid that I may praise themercies of God. All my life I will begrateful to you and will be your faithfulclient until I can thank you in heaven.Amen.


St. Michael the Archangel.Defend us in battle,be our protection against thewickedness andsnares of the devil.May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,and do thou, O prince of theheavenly house,by the power of God,thrust into hellSatan and all evil spiritswho wander through the worldfor the ruin of souls.Amen


O great Apostle of Ireland,glorious St. Patrick to whomunder God, so many are indebted forthe most precious of all treasurers,the great gift of faith.Receive our fervent thanks for thezeal and charity which have been tothousands the source of blessingsso invaluable.Ask for all who dwell in this landand the land of thy labors, theprecious light of faith, and beg forus on whom it's glorious rays have longsince beamed, the grace to regulateour lives by its sacred maxims.


O little flower of Jesus,ever consoling troubled soulswith heavenly graces,in your unfailing intercessionI place my confident trust.From the heart of our blessedsavior petition these blessingsof which I stand in greatest need.Shower upon me your promised rosesof virtue and grace, dear St. Theresa,so that swiftly advancing insanctity and in perfect love ofneighbor, I may someday receivethe crown of life eternal.Amen.


Inspired by the beautyThat each day tends to giveWe set out on a journeyTo find how best to liveWe walk by faith and not by sightAs step-by-step we climbUpon this stairway, upward,Toward Heaven's paradiseThe steps are sometimes difficultBut each day made completeBy treasured moments that we shareAnd a promised place of peaceFinally our steps ascendBeyond the veil of lifeDestiny unfolds in gloryIn Heaven's paradise


O little flower of Jesus,Ever consoling troubled soulswith heavenly graces,In your unfailing intercessionI place my confident trust.From the Heart of our BlessedSavior petition these Blessingsof which I stand in greatest need.Shower upon me your promised Rosesof Virtue and Grace, dearSt. Theresa, so that swiftlyadvancing in sanctity and inperfect love of neighbor, I maysomeday receive theCrown of Life Eternal.Amen.


Day is done, gone the sunfrom the lake, from the hill,from the sky.All is well, safely rest, God is nigh.Thanks and praise for our daysneath the sun, neath the stars,neath the sky.As we go, this we know, God is nigh.


Now the laborer's task is o'er;now the battle day is past;now upon the farther shorelands the voyager at last.Father, in they gracious keeping,leave we now they servantsleeping.“Earth to earth and dust to dust,”calmly now the words we say,left behind, we wait in trustfor the resurrection day.Father, in thy gracious keeping,leave we now thy servant sleeping.


Quiet place of refugeFrom trouble I am safeNothing there can harm meMy cry brings His embraceHe lifts me to His vantage pointSuch beauty I can seeMy prayers arising to His hearingHis grace will carry meThough I walk through valleys deepAnd places filled with sorrowEach visit to that secret placeGives hope for each tomorrowSo I will go there oftenAnd linger there to hearHis footsteps in the gardenAs my prayer brings Him near


There is a place, I have been told,Beyond an open gateAll have been invitedWhere friends and loved ones waitIt holds eternal promiseOf everlasting peaceNo pain or sorrow ever comesAnd teardrops there have ceasedAbundant life is evidentConstant, fresh and newA garden of provisionWith Eternity in viewThe promise is awaitingA place we can abideFulfilled for all who answerThe call to come inside


Though today you walk in sorrow,you will not be alone.There is one whose loving wisdomis far greater than our own.Put your trusting hand in His,as a little child would do,and he, like a loving father,will guide and comfort you!Day by day, there will come to younew faith, new hope, new light;You'll find that stars unseen by dayshine through the darkest night.And though your heart is longing,for the dear one who'd at rest,you'll know before the journey's endthat God's dear ways are best!Jessie Home Fairweather


May the road rise to meet you,May the winds be always at your back,May the sun shine warm upon your face,The rains fall soft upon your fields,And until we meet againMay God hold youin the hollow of his hand.Isaiah 12:2Behold, God is my salvation;I will trust and not be afraid,for the Lord God is mystrength and my song;he also has become my salvation


Many waters I have sailedThroughout the voyage of lifeOver waters tranquilFree of pain and strifeSometimes tossed in raging stormsThough never left aloneThere was a light that beckoned meToward the shores of homeAlways in the distanceThis beacon I could seeGiving me directionAs I sailed upon life's seaMy journey is completed nowThe tide is drifting inMy vessel moves on gentle waves….Eternity begins


Our Father who art in heaven,Hallowed be Thy name.Thy kingdom come.Thy will be done on earth,as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread.And forgive us our trespasses,as we forgivethose who trespass against us.And lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from evil;for thine is the kingdom,and the power, and the glory, forever.Amen


This isn't grief – it's havingMy last tear wiped away;It's sunrise – it's the morningOf my eternal dayThis isn't even prayingIt's speaking face to face;Listening and glimpsingThe wonders of His graceThis is the end of pleadingFor strength to bear my pain;Not even pain's dark memoryWill even live againHow did I bear the earth-lifeBefore I knew this raptureOf meeting face to faceThe one who sought me, saved me,And kept me by His grace!


The time has come for meto leave this life. I havefought the good fight. Ihave finished the race.I have kept the faith.Now there is in store forme a crown of righteousnesswhich the Lord, the righteousjudge, will award me on that day.


Life is but a stopping place,a pause in what's to be,a resting place along the roadto sweet eternity.We all have different journeys,different paths along the way.We all were meant to learn some things,but never meant to stay . . .Our destination is a placefar greater than we know.For some, the journey quicker,for some the journey's slow.And when the journey finally ends,we'll claim a great reward,and find everlasting peace,together with the Lord.


That special smile,that caring heart,that warm embraceyou always gave us.We'll always rememberyou being therefor Mom and us.Through good and bad times,no matter what.We'll always remember you Dad,because there'll never be any oneto replace you in our heartsand the love we will alwayshave for you.


When I am gone, let me go.I have so many things to see and do.You must not tie yourselfto me with tears.Be happythat we had such good years.I gave you my love,you can only guess,how much you gave to mein happiness.I thank you for the loveyou each have shown,but know that it's timeto travel on alone.So grieve awhile for me if you must.Then let your griefbe comforted by trustIt's only for a while that we must part,so treasure the memorieswithin your heart.I won't be far away,for life goes on.So if you need me,call and I will come.Though you can't see or touch me,I'll be near.And if you listen with your heart,you'll hear all of my love aroundyou so soft and clear.And then when you must comethis way alone, I'll greet you witha smile and a “Welcome Home.”


He is just like you and me,Yet he stands taller than most of us.He is a fireman.He puts it all on the linewhen the bell rings.A fireman is the most fortunateand least fortunate of men.He is a gentle man.He is a man who appreciatessimple pleasures of life;-hot coffee held in numb,unbending fingers-the camaraderie of brave men,willing to risk their lives daily-the divine peace and selfless serviceof a job well done.He doesn't criticize others orshout obscenities.When he marches, it is tohonor a fallen comrade.He doesn't preach thebrotherhood of man. He lives it.Heaven holds a special placefor our firemen.


When I am dead, my dearestsing no sad song for me.Plant thou no roses at my head,nor shady cypress tree.Be the green grass above me,with showers and dew drops wet.And if thou wilt, rememberand if thou forget.I shall not see the shadows,I shall not feel the rain.I shall not hear the nigh tingle,sing on as if in pain.And dreaming through.


When I must leave youfor a little whilePlease do not grieveand shed wild tearsAnd hug your sorrow to youthrough the years.But start out bravelywith a gallant smile;And for my sakeand in my name,Live on and do all thingsthe same,Feed not your lonelinesson empty days,But fill each waking hourin useful ways,Reach out your handin comfort and in cheerAnd I in turnwill comfort youAnd hold you near;And never, neverbe afraid to die,For I am waitingfor you in the sky!


When I come to the endof my journeyAnd I travel my last weary mile,Just forget if you can,that I ever frownedAnd remember only the smile.Forget unkind words I have spoken;Remember some good I have done,Forget that I ever had a heartacheAnd remember I've hadloads of fun.Forget that I have stumbled andblunderedAnd sometimes fell by the way.Remember I have foughtsome hard battlesAnd won, ere the close of the day,Then forget to grieve for my going,I would not have you sad for a day,But in summerjust gather some flowersAnd rememberthe place where I lay,And come in the eveningWhen the sun paintsthe sky in the westStand for a few moments beside meAnd remember only my best.


Lord, when my soul takes flight,may it rise swiftly to live foreverin your love and care.


No breaking heart is here,No sad and chilling pain;No wasted cheeks where the frequent tearRolls down and leaves its stain.Dear friends of mortal years,the trusted and the true,You are watching still in the valley of tears,But I wait to welcome you.I won't forget, O no!For memory's golden chainShall bind my heart to the hearts belowTill we meet to touch again.Each link is strong and bright,And love's eternal flame,Flows freely down, like a river of light,To the world from where I came.